are levied in Madison County by the taxing authorities
empowered to do so by the State Legislature. The
value of each real estate and tangible personal property
is established by the County Property Appraiser.
The Board of County Commissioners set the millage or
rate of taxation for the county; the School Board for
the schools; the city council for each
municipality. The governing bodies of other
independent special taxing districts and authorities set
the millage rates for those areas.
below are the millage rates
Description | Rate | Year |
COUNTY | .00950000 | 2023 |
GREENVILLE | .01000000 | 2023 |
LEE | .00750000 | 2023 |
MADISON | .00700000 | 2023 |
SCHOOL DISC | .00224800 | 2023 |
SCHOOL RLE | .00318600 | 2023 |
SRW WATER | .00031130 | 2023 |